In the selection of works in ‘Color and Drawing,’ Saito can be felt breathing into the paintings his sense of the luminous and the endless. He provides the boundaries, trued and faired, against expectation. The rich and variegated color areas are vibratory conversations, they establish their own language, yet unhermetic, approachable, and they invite the viewer to partake of their buoyant, often jubilant declamations. These color areas are ‘poised’ within the ostensible background fields, themselves mottled and revealing of an active coherence. Scribed lines within these fields echo or displace the authority and forcefulness of the bright shapes declaring another level of conversation within the picture. Saito’s paintings make up their own physics and chemistry, their own forces and gravity.
Cutting Water - an essay on the life and work of Kikuo Saito by Jim Walsh
- Two Moon, 1980, Acrylic on Canvas, 44 1/4″ x 76 1/2″
- Tobari, 1980, Acrylic on Canvas, 43 1/8″ x 70 3/4″
- Sorry Hill, 1979, Acrylic on Canvas, 34″ x 57″
- Sea Horse, 2012, Acrylic on Canvas, 77 1/4″ x 43 1/2″
- Green Broom, 2012, Acrylic on Canvas, 80.5″ x 51.75″
- Robana, 1979, Acrylic on Canvas, 68 1/4″ x 77 1/2″
- Lo Lo Pass, 1979, Acrylic on Canvas, 49.5″ x 91″
- Island and Piano, 1980, Acrylic on Canvas, 68 1/4″ x 89″
- Go Hay, 1980, Acrylic on Canvas, 50.5″ x 77″
- Ginger Night, 1980, Acrylic on Canvas, 42″ x 78″
- Summerland, 2012, Acrylic on Canvas, 75 1/2″ x 46 1/4″
- Etna Furnace, 1979, Acrylic on Canvas, 65 1/4″ x 86″
- Blue Ladder, 1980, Acrylic on Canvas, 64 1/2″ x 46″