Interview with Syracuse Artist Susan Roth at Sam & Adele Golden Gallery

Interview with Syracuse Artist Susan Roth at Sam & Adele Golden Gallery (The SAGG) at Golden Artist Colors

Batza Professor of Art and Art History Emerita from Colgate UniversityMary Ann Calo Interviews Artist Susan Roth

December 6, 2019 from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Sam & Adele Golden Gallery at Golden Artist Colors, 188 Bell Road, New Berlin, NY 13411
Public Invited to Attend. Light refreshments will be available afterwards.
RSVP by Dec. 3 to [email protected] or call 607-847-7671

   – Columbus, NY, November 18, 2019

The public is invited to attend an interview featuring Syracuse artist Susan Roth on December 6, 2019 at the Sam & Adele Golden Gallery (The SAGG) at Golden Artist Colors. Batza Professor of Art and Art History Emerita from Colgate University, Mary Ann Calo, will share an exchange with Roth rooted in the kind of dynamic that can sometimes emerge between an artist and academic, but in this case it transcends the circumstances of Roth’s current exhibition, “Black Is A Color.”

Many years ago, when Professor Calo was working on a dissertation about modern art criticism, an encounter with Roth opened doors, both practical and intellectual, that fundamentally shaped her thinking. Roth seemed to approach the topic of art criticism (and maybe art making?) from the standpoint of a working artist who is saturated in the literature of art history. This is evident from the title she chose for this show. "Black is a Color," references a seminal exhibition in the development of post-WWII painting; it was part of a narrative but also became an endless source of inspiration.

Calo has since had the pleasure of watching Roth's work evolve, and has come to see this work in the context of her own interests as a teacher of contemporary art and theory. So in the ensuing years there have been, and remain, many questions and many things to discuss. Is Roth's work technically “painting” and why does that matter? Where does the artist see herself in the trajectory of contemporary art which, in the late 20th century, moved increasingly away from the “object making” that seems fundamental to Roth's practice, towards alternate conceptual models and approaches to media. Was this merely an “art world” issue, viewed by many as both interesting and exasperating, or did it reflect something more fundamental about art itself? What does any of this have to do with Roth's artistic trajectory now and then? In terms of the “objects” in the exhibition, where is the intersection between the personal and the aesthetic for Roth, and where are the boundaries?

An illustrated catalog with an essay by artist and Gallery Director Jim Walsh, will be available at the interview for attendees. The exhibition, ‘Black Is A Color,’ can be viewed at The Sam & Adele Golden Gallery at Golden Artist Colors through March 13, 2020. Gallery hours are Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.